kelly 18th January 2011

Deborah Carbine Ellis A letter to Ashley. To my special Ashley, Not for one minute do I think you would know the depth of hurt your going would cause, there is no blame or anger Ash only a deep painfull sadness that will take some getting through but one day we will be able to have our memories of you without tears but rather with tears of laughter like the time we laughed till the tears ran when I super glued both my hands together trying to put on false nails about an hour before Jolenes wedding and you went running for the nail varnish remover to unglue me, gee did we laugh. We will take one minute, one hour, one day at a time to try and ease the pain in our hearts and to know that this is what you needed. To love you like we do is to want the very best for you, the choice you made was the best for you. Ok sunshine its time for me to go and for you to have the peace and quiet. With love always Aunty Debs xxx ps. hope they aren't serving you peas :)